Friday, November 16, 2007

Weight Loss - How To Lose Belly Fat - and Sit-Ups Are Not The Answer

Are you trying to lose that annoying Belly Fat? I'm sure you have heard that sit-ups and crunches are the way to do it, because those exercises make use of the abdominal muscles. However while it is absolutely true that sit-ups will strengthen the abdominal muscles and make you stronger in that area, and you may look thinner because your improved muscles hold in the fat better, this does not actually reduce belly fat in itself.

For a complete and long lasting solution to how to lose belly fat, we need to look at how the body works and how it is able to actually lose weight. The simple fact is that if you are going to lose weight - from any part of your body - you need regular exercise. The fact that the most obvious and visible area of excess fat in your body is your belly does not alter this fact. When you do not exercise enough, or over-eat for a protracted period, one of the areas which naturally shows this excess more than others is the belly. Similarly if you start to exercise and lose weight, it will disappear quickest from the same belly area. So no special "belly exercises" are actually necessary - just healthy exercise!

In addition to exercise, diet plays a critical role in losing or gaining weight. You can exercise but still find you are gaining weight if you are eating very badly or in large quantities. So both exercise and diet are required to get the full effect. You need to adjust your diet so that you are burning more calories than you consume, at this point you start to "burn" the calories stored as fat in your body. Obviously changing your diet to reduce the amount of calories being consumed helps, as does reducing the actual quantities of food you eat if you have been eating excessive amounts.

The key to losing belly fat is actually quite simple, and there really is no secret or special program - exercise, and eat less (and eat well). So the two key action points are firstly to reduce the calories you eat, with smaller amounts of food or lower calorie foods. Secondly every day perform some physical exercise. Do this and you WILL lose that belly fat!

Learn how to Lose Body Fat Permanently without using drugs, supplements or crazy diets at

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Monday, November 12, 2007

Weight Loss - Dotties Weight Watcher - The Complete Guide To Dotties Weight Loss Zone

Dotti's weight loss zone is a one-woman diet phenomenon. This article will expose the truth about Dotties weight loss zone and your options for permanent weight loss.

Dotti's weight loss zone has been created by just one woman in order to get support from the community for her weight loss program.

This website was first created for the owner to get help from people worldwide in her goal to lose a substantial amount of weight. Since she has reached her goal she has now redesigned the site to primarily help other people all over the world to also achieve their weight loss goals.

Not only is there a message board, but there are also a comprehensive range of cookbooks, restaurant details, a newsletter, and a display of low calorie products that you can consume guilt free.

Dotti achieved her desired weight with the Weight Watchers Winning Points Plan. The idea here is not to be on a diet for life but to feel like you are not on a diet, while at the same time either losing weight or maintaining your desired weight.

There is also some merchandize for sale on the website.

Not only did this woman achieve her desired goal weight but she has also created a high quality website, which probabably is an unexpected surprise, and, also an internet business and online presence.

To get you started with losing weight here are a three tips to help you on your way.

1. Make sure you drink a lot of woman every day, even from when you get up in the morning so you rehydrate your body. Also drink a glass of water before every time you eat anything as it will make you feel fuller and you will eat less.

2. Also make sure that you drink water a lot during the meal as this will also make you feel full faster and stop you from overeating. It will also help the food to settle quicker in your stomach.

3. Be sure to eat a lot of water rich foods like watermelons and tomatoes. Tomatoes and watermelons contain as much as 95 percent water so you won't gain any weight when eating them and they're also delicious.

Another popular and effective product that is helping people lose weight fast is Hoodia gordonii products. However, many Hoodia products on the market are just ineffective imitations that just don't work. I've put these products to the test. Check out my Hoodia review for faster weight loss below!

Copyright 2007. Is weight loss with Hoodia really that simple? It is if you know which Hoodia cactus plant products to buy and which ones to avoid at all costs. Not all Hoodia products are the same. I have conducted an honest review of all Hoodia weight loss products which claim to give almost miraculous weight loss results for dieters worldwide. My Hoodia weight loss review reveals the truth about Hoodia products...and the truth may shock you. Read my Hoodia weight loss review now at before you buy any Hoodia weight loss product or you could be sorry!

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Weight Loss - Weight Loss After A Pregnancy


So you've had a baby, and you're distressingly aware of the extra weight you've gained, which just didn't seem to melt off at the time of birth. Weight loss during the postpartum period is perfectly normal. Weight control is a widespread concern for many women after pregnancy. Weight loss after pregnancy can be slow and many new moms find it difficult to stick to a diet after having a baby. Weight gain in pregnancy is healthy and natural, but many women crave to return to their pre-pregnancy bodies.


Pregnancy brings about significant changes in a woman's body, including hormonal changes and weight gain. Pregnancy is a time when your body goes through a lot of changes and after you deliver, it's simply not reasonable to expect your body to just bounce right back to the way it was before you got pregnant.


Exercise is a vital component of weight loss after a pregnancy. Exercise helps you to adapt to your new situation. Exercise does not interfere with your ability to breast-feed. Exercise in short sessions throughout the day. Exercise can also clear your head so that you're better able to meet the demands of motherhood.


Having a baby can be a joy but what might not be so enjoyable is the weight gain that so often comes with it. Healthy weight loss after a pregnancy involves eating healthy foods, with a few treats at it for moderation and moderate exercise. Healthy Weight Loss Guided by simple dieting principles, the healthy weight loss concept reveals the way to lasting weight loss success. Healthy is a Lifestyle, not a Goal This includes your diet and staying active, one of the first mistakes I made was to set a goal of losing a certain amount of weight then once I reach that goal to go back to my normal habits.


Women's bodies experience significant hormonal and metabolic changes during pregnancy that don't go away the moment the baby is born. Women naturally gain weight during pregnancy and many gradually lose it afterwards, but some women find it difficult to lose this additional weight.


Breastfeeding helps increase your metabolism and use more calories. Breastfeeding helps you with fat loss, so if you are eating a healthy diet, without eating too much junk as well then you will begin to lose some of the post pregnancy fat naturally. Breastfeeding is nature's way of releasing weight stored during pregnancy. Breastfeeding may assist you to lose weight, at least during the 12 months after giving birth. Breastfeeding Support Is Crucial For The New MotherMany first time mothers find themselves bewildered and frustrated during the first few weeks of breastfeeding.


Articles are written on celebrity moms that show them making miraculous changes after birth to regain those million dollar figures.


Foods high in fiber ' such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains ' provide you with many important nutrients while helping you feel full longer.


Exercising every single day, even if that exercise is just walking, is an absolute must.

"ABOUT THE AUTHOR:Beatrice Brown is a recognized authority on the subject of weight loss. Her web site, provides a wealth of informative articles and resources on everything you'll ever need to know about losing weight after a pregnancy."

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Weight Loss - Yoga for Weight Loss

In the United States today, the cases of Obesity have become a constantly increasing cause for concern among the average population. The somewhat alarming statistics inform us that over 130 million adults (20 years old or older) suffer from extreme weight gain issues. The medical implications of obesity make this a great cause for concern. Risk factors for obesity include diabetes, high blood cholesterol, coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke, osteoarthritis (A condition of degenerative cartilage and joint tissue), sleep Apnea, Breast cancer, colorectal cancer, endometrial cancer, kidney cancer, pregnancy complications, menstruation irregularities, urine leakage, excessive bodily hair, and depression.

Though there are many very effective weight loss programs in the United States, how do you know which ones are for you? Weight loss pills work, but as a rule are generally not the healthy alternative. Many weight loss programs are formatted particularly for someone within a certain range of obesity, so they are not right for just anyone. A lower weight target program would have adverse effects upon someone who was morbidly obese, as it would require them to work far too hard for their particular condition. The effects could be so extreme as heart attack or breathing issues. Also, if you lose too much weight too quickly, you risk having saggy skin hanging off your body, and this generally leads to depression and, occasionally, even Agoraphobia.

With all this distressing information, where is the obese person to turn for a weight loss program that works? There is one that works for all ages and weights, and that is Yoga. Yoga offers a slow and steady weight loss option that keeps the individual healthy as they lose weight. Though it is not as quick, it can be permanent.

One Yoga weight loss program is a five-stage system that has proven very popular and has had good results. This program consists of a series of cleansing techniques. These are Kunjal Kriya, which is stomach washing and lung cleaning, Basti which is colon cleaning, laghu shankha prakshalan, a process of cleaning the digestive system, Bagh, also known as the Tiger exercises, and Yoga Asans, which involves postures.

In many cases, the individual in question has more of a weight issue in one area than another. For example, one persons weight may manifest itself in the abdominal area, while another's' might be in the buttocks area. In these situations, the full Yoga weight loss regime mentioned above is not really necessary. Yoga does present options for those seeking to approach the issue of obesity in certain areas.

In the Abdomen, there are many options such as the abdominal lift, child pose, yogic seal pose, and the Naval Move Asana. For the arms and legs, we have the Dog Pose, the Tree Pose, and the Bridge Pose. For the chest, Yoga offers the hero pose, the spinal twist, the triangle pose and the cobra pose. For thighs and hips we have the sun salute, the dog pose again, the advanced wind-releasing pose, and the angle prose.

These are just a select few of the solutions that Yoga offers to those with obesity or weight problems. Study into the subject deeply before you actually attempt it and always consult with your family physician.

Yoga is a great way to strengthen your mind and body and get in shape as well as a great way to unwind after a long day. Whatever your yoga supplies needs, we have the information and resources to point you in the right direction. We have yoga music, mats, clothes, pants, videos and journals as well as information on the different types, postures and the history of yoga. Yoga supplies, such as a mat and yoga clothing are a good investment for those practicing yoga. Yoga music comes in a wide variety of styles.

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Weight Loss - The Truth About Fat Loss Supplements

Do fat loss supplements really help you lose fat? The weight loss supplement industry and the stores marketing these products would like you to believe so because it allows them to take your hard earned money. However, before you jump on the bandwagon and think about running out to pick up the latest fat loss supplement, let's take a closer look at whether these supplements actually work or not.

Everywhere you look supplements that claim to boost your thyroid, enhance your metabolism, burn fat or block carbs are flying off the shelves of stores almost faster than they can be stocked. It is not wonder, either since the advertising for these products is so seductive. After all, who wouldn't love to find a "magic pill" that helped them to drop fat quickly?

When you think about it, though, with the sheer numbers of these products being sold in the USA alone, don't you think that people should be becoming thinner? If these products really worked it would seem that more and more people would become thin and getting their dream bodies. Instead, though, even as sales of these "amazing" products continue to rise, so do the obesity rates. Logically you can assume, then, that these fat loss supplements are not all that they are cracked up to be.

Think about this as well. Say someone does come out with a product that makes people thin overnight. Chances are that they are not going to sell it - at least not at full strength. From a business standpoint, someone who is overweight and desperate is the ideal customer because they will spend money again and again trying to find the solution to their problem.

These companies that manufacture fat loss supplements know this and use it to take advantage of you and to keep getting you to spend your money with them. They may make a product that does just enough of what it promises to give you hope that it will work, but not enough to give you the results that you really want. Then, the next greatest thing in diet pills comes out and you have some hope because of your partial success with the first product, so you buy the new one too. You become like a cash machine for these companies and they know they can keep selling you stuff that sort of works but doesn't really help over and over again. It is not in their best interest to help you lose fat for good.

If that doesn't make you angry, it should since you are being taken advantage of.

If you really do want to lose fat, the only true way to do it that will give you lasting results and get you the body that you want is through diet and exercise. "Sure," you say, "but I've tried diet and exercise and everything I tried just didn't work!" There's probably a good reason for that. Let me explain.

See, most diets focus on losing weight rather than losing fat. When you diet to lose weight you can also lose your muscle tone and you can lose water weight, neither of which are going to help you to get the body that you want. Not only that, but most diets do not provide your body with enough calories to use for energy so your metabolism slows down to compensate for the decreased calories that you are taking in. When that happens it becomes even more difficult to lose weight and as soon as you go off the diet you wind up gaining that weight right back again.

Instead, when you focus on dieting and exercising to lose fat, you actually lose fat and not muscle tone or water weight. You eat frequently to keep your metabolism from slowing down and to give your body the energy that it needs. You increase the amount of muscle in your body which helps to boost your metabolism so that it runs more efficiently and burns more calories - not just while you are exercising, but while you are just sitting there doing nothing as well. When you start dieting and exercising to lose fat instead of to lose weight the results that you get will likely surprise you.

If you would like to get free tips on how to lose fat instead of just losing weight, check out Fat Loss Made Easy. You will get information on diet, exercise and many other things related to losing fat that will help you to get the toned, beautiful body that you have been wanting. To sign up for your free information please visit

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Weight Loss - The Truth About Hypnosis Weight Loss Clinics

People tend to eat more during the highs and the lows in their lives. Some go out and celebrate when they get a promotion. Some people wolf down a whole gallon of ice cream by themselves when they're depressed. Over the course of your life, you will have accumulated all those unwanted pounds because of eating based on your emotions. Blame it all on your stressful environment, which makes you want to reach for your comfort foods all the time. A hypnosis weight loss clinic makes use of hypnosis to help prevent such binges.

What is hypnosis?
Hypnosis works by creating a different state of mind. Under hypnosis, you are highly focused and thus become responsive to whatever suggestions are being said, including how to change your behavior so that it helps you lose all that extra weight. Through the years, a number of studies evaluated hypnosis for weight loss. Majority got positive albeit modest results. However, because of different methodologies, it cannot be helped that some studies will be questioned. As a result, it becomes difficult to determine just how useful hypnosis can be.

As with any weight loss product or program, hypnosis doesn't provide you with a magical cure. Nonetheless, it cannot be discounted that hypnosis can be extremely helpful, most especially when it is combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise. Even without guaranteed results, going to a hypnosis weight loss clinic can prove to be beneficial for you. Hypnosis is safe and generally inexpensive. If anything, you can use it as an integration into your weight loss program.

What happens in a hypnosis weight loss clinic?
When you go to a hypnosis weight loss clinic, a therapist sits down with you to learn your eating habits and what triggers affect them. The therapist then makes use of techniques such as neuro-linguistic programming, regression, EFT, and various other hypnosis techniques to create a program customized for you. Through this program, you will be taught how to look at food in a different way.

The major difference between temporary and permanent weight loss is purely psychological. Enrolling in a hypnosis weight loss clinic will help you learn to think differently about how and what you eat. You will learn to identify and separate your emotions from what your emotions are. This way, what you gain from the program isn't dependent on just how strong your willpower is. Whatever you will gain comes from real and very much permanent changes in your mindset.

What hypnosis can do for you
First, hypnosis can help you achieve your weight loss goals by helping retrain your body not to need as much food. Your body might have been programmed to consume more food for a number of reasons. You may be eating more when you're bored. You may be eating more because it's part of socializing for you. You may be eating more during high stress situations in your life. You are eating not because your body needs it but because your body wants it. Eating for this reason is unhealthy and can cause health problems for you. Enrolling in a hypnosis weight loss clinic will help you learn how to eat for natural reasons again.

Second, hypnosis can help you achieve your weight loss goals by ensuring that you have energy to execute your exercise regimen. Without regular exercise, weight loss programs, no matter how powerful, are doomed to fail or become only partly effective. With regular exercise, you're not merely losing weight but you are essentially strengthening your body for a healthier you. Regular exercise helps you build muscle. With more muscle, you increase your metabolic rate, the rate at which you burn fat when at rest.

Finally, hypnosis allows you to get better sleep at night. If you get a good night's sleep, chances are you aren't tired and sluggish during the day. If you aren't tired and sluggish, you'd be spending more time doing activities other than sitting around, doing nothing because you are tired. Even though not in the form of actual exercise, being able to move around counts as physical activity that can help you achieve your weight loss goals. And apart from hypnosis, physical activity can also help you sleep better at night.

There are a number of hypnosis weight loss clinics to choose from. Visit a hypnosis weight loss clinic near you to find out if it will work for you.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

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Weight Loss - Weight Loss For Busy People

There are things, which we must do and things which we want to do, which have a higher priority to us than spending hours and effort on weight loss. Professionals recommend that we spend valuable time and effort to lose weight though exercise programs and proper diet, but what we need is a simple, easy, and effective way to lose weight.

We need a program which will fit into our busy life style and allow us to do all of the important things of our lives with minimum interruptions. Exercising involves time for the exercise, time for travel and time for the clean up from the activity. This time can be hard to find in the 24 hour day, which must include family, work, and other interest. Either we don't exercise or we take the time from other activities. Neither answer is perfect, and we carry the extra pounds to show the answer we chose.

People will tell you of their diet plan and how to lose weight. There are many plans for you to consisted, and even become confused by all the different diet theories. But all the plans suggest you should eat less And exercise. I suggest that you use moderation in what and how much you eat,what exercise you do and who you believe.

AS for as the stress, which comes from trying to lose weight, from the cravings, binge eating, and not eating to satisfy our hunger. This stress will defeat us unless we understand the cause of it. The cause is a nutritional deficiency in the brain. This lack of neurotransmitter in the brain cause the message "I need specific nutritions" to be misunderstood as "I need more food". And we eat until the brain is satisfied and the body is overloaded. All the unused is stored as fat. The body is very efficient at storing for"bad" times and we can see the results.

Suggestions from people we trust can have more impact on what we chose to believe than facts. And some facts do not fit in our belief system, which we have developed over our life span. A good example is that weight loss must involves work and time. This does work, but it takes time, which we don't have. We need a system of weight loss which can fit into our busy, busy days. and a system that works year after year.

There is a system. It was developed by the Russian's space program to prevent bone loss, while in orbit of the earth. The system has other benefits. Weight loss is the one I'm most excited about. In ten minutes a day. We can lose weight and maintain that loss.

This is very doable. With some slight reorganizing of our time, We can control our eating and get the exercise we need in only ten (10) minutes per day. This allows us time for family and work, and prolong our natural lives. We will enjoy all of the activities more due to our increased stamina and our physical appearance.

Weight loss for busy people seems to be a hit and miss proposition. I've just completed a new report, "10 Weight Loss Tips For Busy People", which I've been using to successfully lose weight and inches.

Ed Grinder has just completed a new article, "10 Weight Loss Tips For Busy People" available at his web site.

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Weight Loss - Weight Loss Spa in Florida

A weight loss spa may be the perfect answer to your health and fitness needs while you stay in sunny Florida. These Florida spas offer facilities, as well as programs and services that promise long-term weight loss results.

Weight management

Spas in Florida have different ways of weight loss management, When choosing a Florida weight loss spa, carefully examine their programs and services. There are spas that offer natural as well as therapeutic treatments. There are also those that advertise quick-fix weight loss solutions. Never settle for those advertising dubious claims for they may not provide the treatment you wish to have.

Different approaches

Always choose a weight loss spa in Florida that matches your needs and preferences. Do you want a spa that offers vegetarian cuisine? How about new age practices like pilates and yoga? Evaluate the programs, services, and facilities of these weight loss spas so that you can decide the right one for you.

Weight loss spas provide you a personal health or fitness professional. They will guide as you go on with the program and they will make sure that you satisfy your objectives. There will be regular monitoring to track your progress. This will give you an idea about how well you are doing.

Spa vacation

A weight loss spa is a healthy environment for those people who seriously want to shed pounds. People will break away from their unhealthy habits. They will be introduced to dietary changes and exercise routines. They will only focus on those that would bring benefits to their physical and mental health.

Weight loss spas do not only offer programs concerning weight loss problems. They also provide natural treatments and healthy remedies. Certainly, a weight loss spa vacation is an opportunity for relaxation, rejuvenation, and detoxifixation.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

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Weight Loss - Top 6 Tips To Lose Weight Fast Right Now

Losing weight is not easy and we all understand that. It requires determination and plan to find that healthy weight loss plan. You need to know that losing weight is not easy and you do need support to make it happen. Once you have accepted that it is not easy, you will find that your weight loss goals will become much more achievable because of less pressure you put on yourself.

You can succeed in your weight loss goals, and here are a few quick and easy tips to help you:

1. Drink Lots of Water

Water can help a lot when you are losing weight. Drinking water will trick your body into thinking it is full. Drinking water will also help flush toxic out of your body and blood, which will help you feel much more energize to exercise. Water also does so many other things that help you lose weight. Try drinking water when you feel hungry and drink it constantly in small amount.

2. Eat Smaller Amount More Often

Another great tip for helping you to successfully lose weight fast is to make your servings smaller at each meal. If you eat 5-6 meals a day, you will feel much more energized and fuller because your body then can processed them faster. I honestly think eating 3 times a day is a horrible idea, that's why so many people today are feeling lazy and are always watching TV. Try eating before you exercise but eat in very small portion of fruit and vegetable.

3. Eat More Vegetable, Fruit and Fiber

Eat more of the high fiber foods and vegetable and fruits. These foods act as natural filler, so when you eat a lot of fresh vegetables and fruit as well as other high fiber foods, you will feel full up for longer than when you eat junk foods. I recommend you eat more fruits and vegetable. You also need to eat more high fiber foods like bread and cereal.

4. Burn Calories

You need to burn more calories than you consume in order to lose weight. You need to add more activities into your daily routine. I highly recommend that you walk whenever possible as a form of exercise because walking is really the best exercise you can do for your body. Walking move every part of your body and this will help you remove toxin and burn fat.

5. Set realistic Goals

Goals are important in anything you do, and this is especially true when you are trying to lose weight. Don't however make the mistake of setting you totally unrealistic weight loss goals.

If you don't set your goal when trying to lose will very likely to fail. Please set a small goal at a time, like losing 5 lbs per month, once you achieved it, set it to 10 lbs per month. The benefits of setting your goal: You get motivated to keep losing weight when you achieve that goal.

6. Reward Yourself

If you have set realistic weight loss goals then you need to reward yourself when you reach them. Rewarding yourself is a good way to keep your motivated and keep going.

When you successfully start to lose weight you will find great improvements in how you feel, how you look and your health should also benefit. These weight loss tips will help you on the right path with your weight loss program.

What I Recommend

I honestly don't think you need to buy anything at all to help you lose weight because you can find all these information on the Internet. But with so many guides and information out there recommending different plans, it can get very frustrating and overwhelming. Many won't work and only a few will work for you. You could be wasting valuable time doing this.

I recommend that you try out Fat Loss 4 Idiot because many people reported losing weight using their program. Many have lost at least 9 lbs in 2 weeks using their program.

Visit: to lose weight correctly.

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Weight Loss - Exercise Bike Benefits - Cardio, Weight Loss And More

Both in homes and fitness clubs, exercise bikes are a very popular piece of equipment. There are many people who workout on exercise bikes to stay in shape today, which is one of the reasons that these bikes are so popular. The following are just a few of the reasons that you should have your own exercise bike and how you can benefit from having your very own.

Believe it or not, most people do not get enough exercise each day. Much of society has become more and more technological and people across the globe have become more sedentary than every before. If you have your own stationary exercise bike at home, you have a great way for getting exercise, even while you are sitting down. You can simply put the bike in front of your television and ride the bike while watching your favorite television show. While this will not account for all of the exercise that you need, it will definitely get you on the right track.

Another of the many exercise bike benefits is that you can get on your bike and use it at any time. If you try to ride a regular bike, when the weather is bad you may not be able to go biking; however, no matter the weather, you can always get a workout on your home exercise bike. In fact, while it is thundering and raining outside, you can simply get on your stationary bike and enjoy a good ride inside knowing that you are staying dry and getting the exercise that you need.

Since many people in America are very sedentary, more and more people are at risk for heart problems. One great cardio vascular activity that can help prevent health issues such as heart disease is biking. While it is not a total solution to the problem, when you combine biking with a great diet, it can definitely help you protect your heart. So, while you are riding your bike, you'll actually be adding some years to your life.

Exercise bikes are easy to keep up and they are also cost effective as well, you can even find a bargain on a used exercise bike, basically they are a great investment. So, why not take a look and see what types of bikes are available to you now. Picking out a great exercise bike may just be the way that you make your life a much better one in the future.

Get More information on stationary and recumbent exercise bikes and fitness equipment click here Exercise Bikes Also go to http://ExerciseEquipment.Diet-Fitness-and-Health.Com where you can get a fresh view of exercise equipment ideas, product information, news.

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Weight Loss - Water - The Secret to Fat Loss?

Water is one of the most important elements in fat loss. If you are not getting a proper balance of water, then you can not possibly get the best fat loss results. If you are 40 lbs overweight and do not workout really, and your diet is sketchy, are you going to notice a huge physical appearance probably not. However, it will provide you with the building blocks you need to start turning your body into a more efficient fat burning machine. Now, if you are slightly over your desired body fat and you have been skimping on the water, lifting weights, doing cardio, and eating pretty clean, are you going to see and feel a difference? YES a Big Difference.

The liver is our fat traffic cross guard, if you will. It helps break down the fat and sort where the body needs it for energy. So what happens if there is a traffic jam? The cross guard gets flustered, and tells people to park on the side until he get things sorted out and moving again. Those parked cars in this (again I know weird analogy) is our fat.

Why did the traffic jam occur? Because the traffic lights down the street, the kidney, went haywire and stop functioning right. Water is the magic that gets the kidney happy and pumping. If it's not happy or is overworked, it sends its entire extra load to the liver, when this happens the liver gets overloaded and starts to store that fat because it just does not have the room or time to sort out everything properly. So simply plan to drink enough water. Then the kidney is working normal and happy, the liver sorts all your fat, and toxins get released. Now you have a well oiled fat burning machine. Now why if this is so simple, is it so neglected?

Well a lot of people do not like to drink water, forget to drink water, or do not understand its importance. Now that you understand its importance, let's look at what happens when you start drinking it so you know when you are getting enough. First off, a lot of people start drinking more water and their number one complaint is "I go to the bathroom all the time, I just can not pee that much". Well this is going to happen. Your body is regulating, it's going to take a little while (usually a few weeks) to flush out the toxins and get rid of the water storage. 8/10 people are partially dehydrated at all times. When you are dehydrated you store water, just as you do in starvation mode with fat. It takes a little while for your body to believe that it's going to continue getting that water. so for a little while it's going to be in an "in and out" system. However it will adjust, and once it does the bathroom runs will be less and less.

There is a reason why everyone automatically thinks pee should be bright yellow, because most of the population is partially dehydrated. When you first start out drinking a lot of water your urine color will be mostly clear. Remember that your body is adjusting and flushing out toxins. However the goal is to have very light off yellow, almost clear, urine. This is a sign of good hydration. The more yellow, the more dehydrated.

How much water is enough? Keep it simple. For a woman who exercises, a gallon a day. For a man who exercises, 1.5 to 2 gallons a day. If you find after a few weeks you are still very clear and using the bathroom a lot, lower you intake some. If it's still really yellow increase your intake some. For marathon runners and trainers make sure, if you are taking in more than 3 gallons of water a day, to really add sodium to your intake to regulate your body. This is so you do not put your body in a Hyperdemia state.


? Do not drink a little water and then a huge amount at one time to make up for your daily needs. It's just like eating 5-6 meals a day. Get your water broken up through out the day.

? If you have been dehydrated, expect some bloating and water weight to occur the first week or so. It's just the same as if you stopped eating food after being in starvation mode; your body is going to hold on to it. So if bloating occurs, it's natural and will pass in a short time.

? Cold/warm which one? Some say cooler water is absorbed quicker and helps burn fat faster. Some say warm is easier to drink and delays cramping. Overall it does not really matter too much. Just find a way to get it down.

Leigh Peele is certified through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and holds other certificates in both nutrition and in sports specific training. She trains everyone from housewives to actresses and world ranked fighters.

She has been published both locally and nationally and latest contribution to the fitness community is the recent publication The Fat Loss Troubleshoot. To find out more information on Leigh Peele and products visit

*You can use this article in Full on your websites as long as you include the above information*

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Weight Loss - Whole Food Dieting - How to Have Lasting Success with Whole Food Dieting

The key to lasting success with whole food dieting is to develop personal trust about having the ability to make a permanent change. Then you must seek to understand the dynamics of how you change and what leads to personal success. Can you clearly imagine seeing yourself having an explorative adventure with food? Forget about results in 30 days. Can you imagine a sleek healthy slender body for the rest of your life, and you experiencing the best health as you age?

To get to this point, you might have to think about new menus with exciting new foods to make you and your grateful body feels special. But can you suspend your present eating habits in order to give this idea a permanent place in your life? For instance, everyone thinks of spinach as a diet food.... However, I served calllaloo, a Caribbean soup made with spinach and ochre to my dinner guest last week. Of course, I added herbs like rosemary and thyme to boost flavor. I also served it with crab cakes made with claw crab meat; and one of my grateful guests sent me a note thanking me for the exciting gastronomic experience. This is the kind of gratitude your body will feel just because you decided to make a whole food dieting change.

Be cautious of recipes that have you preparing your whole food diet with ingredients that are known to be detrimental to your health, like excessive saturated fat and sugar. Do read recipes and look at TV shows like 'Napa Style' or 'Reservations Required' to cement your appreciation for fresh whole food. This will lift your spirit and help you see the possibilities of control of your own destiny, delight and direction where food is concerned...

Think in terms of doing something extraordinary for your body, like boosting your immune system. Then go out and develop a snacking habit with nuts with names like Brazilian and seeds like flax and pumpkin that have properties that will make you declare the extinction of your fear of cancer. Then your race for the cure will be to your favorite whole food store.... This can take you clear out of the path of developing cancer or any other immune dysfunction that happens as you age. You will also be supporting your quest for whole food dieting.

Take a whole food dieting cooking class and get over your fear of preparing dishes with fresh food. Avoid looking at TV shows that show competition with food or shows where the cooks are anxious or upset about the outcome of their actions. This just helps to seal in your mind that there is something difficult and daunting about adding ingredients to a pot and allowing the heat do its thing.

It also sets you in competition with your body instead of having concern and compassion for the overall experience of your new approach to your whole food dieting life.

With these simple approaches you will have more wisdom, (the wise use of knowledge), and less dilemma about making positive whole food dieting a way of life for you.

Celia Westberry, M.S. is the author of Eat Yourself Younger Effortlessly. Her wellness coaching helps people to easily take the right action every day to be healthier, happier and more fulfilled.

Copyright, CeliaWestberry 2007. All rights reserved.

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Weight Loss - Free and Healthy Weight Loss

If you are looking for simple solutions to your weight loss problem, there are thousands of free and healthy weight loss diet plans and programs available over the internet. Each of these free healthy weight loss programs is unique, varying by specifying an area you need to work on in order to achieve the ideal weight you have always wanted.

Free diets

Probably the most popular free healthy weight loss options found in the internet today is the free diet recipe. Thousands of websites are providing free diet recipes for people who are interested. These recipes focus on taking a low calorie diet, ingesting either in protein-rich foods or cutting back on overall intake altogether.

A weight loss diet plan can include juice diets, vegetarian diets, and even crash dieting (i.e. the cabbage soup diet).

Although there are hundreds of free and healthy weight loss diet plans out there, there are also tons of fraudulent recipes. The key is to find the safest and most effective recipe. In order to do so, you have to consult an expert, such as a doctor or nutritionist. Your doctor can guide you and provide you with tips on what diet regime to take.

Free weight loss tools

To help you achieve a healthy weight loss, there are also free weight loss tools available online. These weight loss tools range from weight loss journals, trackers, and charts. These aim to guide you in your weight loss journey and to help you maintain the weight you have lost.

One of the problems of weight loss is maintaining it. Using weight loss tools can help you lose weight and maintain it at the same time.

Extra care

When it comes to relying on these free weight loss options in the internet, caution must be taken. People can easily post something online and claim it as effective. Hence, take everything you in the internet with a grain of salt.

Phillip England is a weight loss expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see

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